Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A year or two ago . . .

in Oklahoma City, no so far away.... I cared about Star Wars. We were buzzing about it around the office and the Valtech guys that were knew to the office had stumbled upon a great video. After one Friday evening at The Big Chief's cube, we discovered a whole world of laughter at the expense of the kid. This phenemon probably isn't news to most of the folks reading this blog... but if it is, take a look at the video and then Google "Star Wars Kid". You will find a spazillion results and any amateur kid with a pc and some video editing software took a crack at using the original footage to make their own funny version. Some of them are pretty hilarious and some are lame. It's the Internet.

So tonight I found another Star Wars video. This one isn't so much funny as it's pretty impressive. It's a couple of young kids (maybe late high school/early college age) that put together a 5 minute light sabre fight. The whole thing is choreographed and edited pretty nicely for amateurs just having fun.

Anyway, it just made me remember when I used to care about Star Wars.

For the non Oklahoman's reading... Oklahoma spread some of it's abundance of wildfires to our neighbors in Texas this past weekend. Basically 700,000... SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND acres burned up.


Anonymous said...

Man 700,000 acres that is insane. I thought the 400,000 acre fire we had in AZ a couple years ago was bad. Sounds like you guys need the rain as bad as we do. Thanks for the star wars video, pretty sweet. Oh, to be a kid with time to kill again!!

Anonymous said...

Above by Duncan