Sunday, May 21, 2006


So we took Brooke to her first movie yesterday. We went and saw the early showing of Over The Hedge at Quail Springs Mall AMC. It was actually a pretty good movie and Heather and I laughed several times. As with most animated movies these days it's loaded with celebrity voices - Bruce Willis, Steve Carell, Wanda Sykes, William Shatner, Nick Nolte, Gary Shandling and others. Wanda Sykes playes a skunk named Stella and she has some pretty funny lines. Anyway, it was a good time and Brooke seemed to enjoy going to the movies.

After the movie we went to Cheeseburger In Paradise for lunch. We hadn't been yet and it was pretty cool. The burgers were really tasty.

That's that

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad Brooke enjoyed the movie. Sounds like you did, too.