More programmer amusement
I'm not gonna name names... but I think some of these snippets I've seen with my own two eyes!
Check out the new Matchgrip website!
I'm not gonna name names... but I think some of these snippets I've seen with my own two eyes!
Posted by
2/24/2006 07:50:00 PM
So the final round of the women's figure skating was last night. Heather and I watched (and cried) when Sasha Cohen fell twice in one routine to lose gold. It was quite sad. She did manage to skate awesomely after her two falls and held on to win the Silver medal. Will she be back and try one last time for Olympic gold in 2010? Do you care? Personally, I'm rooting for Emily Hughes now. She was an alternate that got put on the team when Michelle Kwan had to leave with injury. She's all smiles and it's hard to not pull for her to do well at the next Winter Olympics. I predict she'll win Silver at the 2010 games. Mark it down!
Also Heather and I have found watching the Olympics that we love the Aerials. It works like this : strap on some skis, climb up a giant hill that's packed with snow, go down it as fast as you can, fly off a ramp at the bottom, do as many twists, spins, etc before you smack the ground. It's AWESOME!
Enjoy your weekend.
Posted by
2/24/2006 06:51:00 AM
My coder brotheren : bookmark it, learn it, live it.
Posted by
2/21/2006 05:56:00 PM
After (finally) getting an email from Jamie I realized I need to get more of our pictures out there for people to see. I created a flickr site and so far have stuck one picture out there. More to come... stay tuned.
My flickr site
Posted by
2/21/2006 05:08:00 PM
I changed my settings to only allow registered users to add comments (I mainly did this because I figured that would force people to register and then I'd know who left a comment). But I've decided this isn't a great user-friendly policy (I'm all about user-friendly). So now anyone can leave a comment. All I ask is you put your name/initials/secret hidden message at the end of your comments so I have some idea who left me what. My Grammy emailed me and said she couldn't leave a comment. That's no good!
Posted by
2/21/2006 07:17:00 AM
Well not really... but I smoked us out.
Last night Heather went to bed and asked me to close the flue in the fireplace before I went to bed. So I did... then I poked at the pile of ashes to make sure everything was okay. Well... it wasn't. There was a pile barried under ash that was still lit (no flames, just burning embers). Well as you can guess with no ventilation the smoke started to fill up the room pretty quickly.
I panicked. I went and woke up Heather and was kinda freakin' out. By this time the living room was basically filled with smoke. I opened the back door and the windows in the living room. It was about 18 degrees outside so that felt great. I wasn't sure how to get that thing opened without burning the crap out of my hand. I ran around trying to find a flashlight... with no luck at first. (Flashlights seem to get lost in our house alot... or we have gnomes that come and steal them). I remembered there was one in Heather's car. I ran to the garage and Heather's passenger door was locked. So I had to run back inside, grab my keys and go unlock the door. I grabbed the flashlight from her glovebox. I ran back in the house and used the flashlight to see what the hell I was doing in the fireplace. I opened the flue.
I stayed up for about another hour with the windows open and the ceiling fan on trying to air out the living room. We both kind of stunk like smoke so Heather took a bath and I grabbed a quick shower.
It was pretty exciting.
Woke up this morning with a little more snow and ice on the ground. I'll be parkin' it inside today.
Posted by
2/19/2006 01:00:00 PM
Woke up today with maybe an inch of snow and ice on the ground. Heather and I already have a fire going in the fireplace. It was about 28 degrees yesterday afternoon and it's about that this morning.
I'll probably stay inside most of the day.
Posted by
2/18/2006 08:57:00 AM
I hit another milestone at work today. I was promoted to Senior Programmer Analyst. What's that mean exactly? Not much. I'm already a team lead, a member of the architecture group, and what I consider a key member of the ASAP OO team (is that my ego blogging?)
I'm excited because at least they recognized me for what I do... and most of all I get a nice pay increase. Maybe I'll get that iPod after all.
The weather sucked today. It was 61 when I got to work at 7:00am and when we went to lunch at 12:15 it felt like 35 degrees. What the crap? But we went to Ron's Hamburgers and Chili... which is a Tulsa tradition. It was nice to get a little taste of home. Now they just need to build a freaking Coney Islander here and I'm golden.
Posted by
2/16/2006 06:18:00 PM